FTO (Field Training Officer) Training Manual

This manual describes the content, structure, and personnel responsibilities for the Santa Ana Police Department's (California) field training program, which guides and evaluates officers in required law enforcement tasks.

Trainees are supervised by field training officers (FTO's) in a six-phase training program that lasts not less than 12 weeks and not more than 14 weeks. The program phases are field orientation (1 week), basic patrol procedures (4 weeks), intermediate patrol procedures (3 weeks), advanced patrol procedures (3 weeks), solo performance and final evaluation (1 week), and the remediation period (up to 2 weeks). After describing the duties and responsibilities of the FTO, the manual presents the performance criteria and standardized guidelines for trainee evaluation. Outlines are presented for the trainee tasks in each phase of the training period. The appendixes contain the daily evaluation form, scale value definitions and guidelines, the weekly evaluation form, and the form for the trainee critique of the FTO. For the training guide, see NCJ 105774.